Our Inspiration

Dr Wasudeorao Bhandarkar’s Life Have inspired us in Many Ways

Shaping one’s character is one of the most important things we can do in life.   Dr. Wasudeorao Bhandarkar set a brilliant example of how a character’s greatness can be achieved by having a humble, modest, and simple way of life. His very simple soul definitely had an impactful journey of 7 decades. Born, on 26th February 1950, to an agrarian family in the Village of Arjuni as the only son of Mr.  Raghunath &  Mrs. Gopikabai, his family did not have enough resources finance his education. He had to walk miles to attend schools, even for primary education. But as a child, he had the brilliance to understand the value of education& believed in education as the path to reform, enlightenment, and social prosperity.

Despite his humble beginnings, he established himself as a bright student who had a strong desire to learn. He joined Nagpur University and completed his graduate and PG studies Nagpur at the Institute of Science. He was a student of high potential and cleared MPSC Prelims but could not take subsequent exams due to his father’s sudden onset illness and tragic death during his early graduation period. After his post-graduation, he joined as a Lecturer at Bramhapuri. He completed his Ph.D. in Chiropterology( Study of Bats) during his initial lecturership days, and he was one of the youngest Ph.D. in the area.

 As W.B. Yeats said, “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire,” With a high level of enthusiasm, self-confidence, and the willingness to mentor students, Dr. Bhandarkar never failed; instead, he fueled as a true guide and fatherly figure. 

Dr. Bhandarkar was celebrated as the Head of Zoology Dept. Chairman of Board of Studies in Zoology at Nagpur University and enjoyed many more designations. He also served as a  Principal of  NH College.  He retired in 2010. He was one of the first to start MSc courses and Ph.D. courses at  Nevajabai Hitkarini College.  To Ph.D. scholars and research students, he was a true guide and mentor. Along with formal education, he preached and taught his simple approach to life, wherein he weighed bliss more than the accumulated material wealth.